Convergence Plus
Sunday, March 9, 2025
about us
Kartik Parikh, CEO, Fastech Telecommunications (I) Pvt. Ltd.

By SJ Singh

Kartik ParikhTell us about your company and its vision?

Fastech Telecommunications (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides Telecommunications test & measurement instruments, optimization, synchronization and service assurance solutions in India since 1997. We have our Head Office in Mumbai and branch offices in NCR and Bangaluru, all of which are equipped with a large array of Demo units & technical/calibration support infrastructure.

Our Vision: To be the most preferred provider of telecom test and optimizing solutions to carriers, service providers ,and network element manufacturers, through knowledge , professionalism and zeal to support our customers.

What were the key factors that have contributed to the success of the company?

(a) Our operational competence and in-depth understanding of the telecom standards
(b) Very competent sales and technical team with core technical skills with a focus on network testing, verification and optimization.
(c) Experienced, dedicated and motivated support team, with a zeal to serve our customers.
(d) Professionalism and unfailing adherence to ethics.
(e) Association with leading vendor partners world-wide to provide state of the art technology to our customers.

How do you differentiate your company from the other players operating in the same segment?

Fastech delivers unparalleled value addition with its core technical skills, operational competence, professionalism and zeal to serve its customers.

Our in-depth understanding of the telecom technologies, and close association with leading vendor partners has enabled us to be the vital link in the technology value chain connecting operators and service providers in India with vendors world-wide.Wealso have a big inventory of demo equipment and a highly equipped Service lab.

What is your strategy to reach out to your customer base to position yourself as a credible organization in their minds?

Through our offices in Mumbai, NCR and Bangalore and a dedicated team of highly qualified and dedicated team of technical cum sales professionals we positioning ourselves to regularly reach out to our customer base through direct mailers, regular participation in trade shows, organization of road shows and seminars as well as training events towards our market.

In the meanwhile, our expanding product range now includes an innovative range of OTDRs for short haul and long haul NM/SM fiber, fiber scopes, optical spectrum analyzers (OSA), handheld 100G/OTN and 10G/1G Ethernet testers, synchronization products and testers, performance monitoring systems and reporting systems for OSS/BSS, packet brokers and aggregators for IP security and lawful interception, in addition to EMF meters (Selective frequency and broadband), RF interference analyzers and direction finders as well as spectrum analyzers.

How do you see the industry developing in the future?

The telecom industry in India has been on a path of high growth coupled with technological transformation for the last two decades or so. LTE, Advanced LTE, VoLTE, 4G are being rolled- out as also large scalefiber layout is being done.Likewise T&M industry is going through a very exciting and high-growth phase. With a vision for connecting India digitally the growth will be high for quite a few years to come.

The Make in India initiative in the Telecom sectorpromises to further increase the market for testing instruments, as manufacturers will be requiring test instruments for development and QA.

So we see a bright future for the T&M industry in India for the coming few years.

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