Aroop Zutshi, Global President & Managing Partner, Frost & Sullivan.
By Yash Menghani
Aroop: The key area of focus and theme of the event was Digital Transformation - a New Strategic Imperative. Given the disruption, collapse, and transformation in industries, markets, and geographies driven by technology, it was clear to everyone that each company had to look for digital solutions to drive top line sales and create efficiencies to improve their bottom line performance. Digital transformation has to happen both within the company across all the departments and outside the company in the way organizations deal with their customers, suppliers, and the entire eco-system. What are the key factors that have contributed to the success of Frost & Sullivan? Aroop: Frost & Sullivan has gone through major transformations since its inception. From being one of the largest publishers of market research reports across 33 industry verticals, and covering more than 357,000 market segments, we in the 1990s moved to being a research and custom consulting company. Since the early part of this century, we have focused on being a visionary innovation company. We are now helping companies identify opportunities in new markets for which there was no prior existing need. We are also supporting clients by identifying new business models for them to expand their presence in existing and new markets. Aroop: Frost & Sullivan is unique in many ways and is the only company that is organized around convergence and focused on future driven by visionary innovation. Our global perspective, 360 degree research, broadest industry coverage, and experiential learning delivery style, qualifies us to work with Questionnaire A Gl obal Growth Pa r tner shi p Company our clients to drive their transformational growth. Our value proposition is centered around Vision and Strategy, Brand and Demand Solutions, and Technology/R&D, and Intellectual Property. Our growth partnership service coupled with our growth consulting solutions gives our clients actionable strategies for maximum impact on both revenue and bottom line performance. More than 80% of our clients have experienced greater than industry average growth rates. Aroop: The future is all about convergence and connectivity. The research and consulting industry will also evolve in the future. Data, insights, and information will become a commodity, but the real value will reside in the “So what?” analysis. Technology will make it easy to work with data. New technologies around Artificial Intelligence will be embedded into everything we do in this and many other industries. We are entering a ‘Cognitive’ era. Aroop: There are abundant opportunities opening up in almost every industry, since every industry is experiencing change. We have seen the impact on the music industry, we will see similar impact on the healthcare industry, telecom industry (voice has become more or less free, data is moving in the same direction, how does a telecom company make money?) etc. Hence, every challenge opens new opportunities. New areas of convergence will drive new needs and change consumption patterns. Smart City, Cybersecurity, Safe City, etc. will all drive new opportunities for companies. Cloud, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, etc. will all be game changing technologies of the future, which is very much in line with our vision for GIL India - to create cognizance of and to further enable Digital Transformation. |